Reading Note on Chapter 2


·         Read all the definitions in section 2.1

§  Is it better to let the attacker know the encryption algorithm? Why or why not?

§  Think about the ways the sender and the receiver of a text can exchange their common key. Should the key be encrypted too during key exchange? Why or why not?

§  What are the essential elements of a symmetric encryption scheme?

§  What is cryptanalysis? What is Brute-force attack? Read all types of attacks from TABLE 2.1.

§  What is the difference between unconditionally secure and computationally secure?

§  Is AES better that DES from perspective of computational security? Why or why not?

·         Read section 2.2. Read about all types of ciphers described here.

§  Which cipher seems to be the most secure?

§  What is the advantage of one-time pad? What’s the disadvantage?

·         Sections 2.3 and 2.4: Read briefly.

·         Section 2.5: Steganography

§  How is steganography different from cryptography?

§  Which technique is more secure to hide texts?

§  Read more about digital steganography from